Students are required to behave politely at all times and should not use at all times and should not use indecent language or indulge in fights and quarrels with others in the school.

Any behaviour likely to cause hurt to others in the ma er of language, religion caste or community is strictly prohibited.

Irregular attendance, unjustified or unexplained absence from school, habitual late coming, leaving the school without permission is not allowed and can lead to his/her expulsion from the school.

Students are required to wear uniform; ac on will be taken against the students who are habitually improperly dressed.

Students are expected to take proper care of school property. It is for their convenience. They should not break any furniture or fixtures in the school. By doing so he/she will be charged with a fine.

In case of collective damage to school property in a classroom, the entire class occupying that classroom will have to bear the cost of damages.

Running and shouting in the class premises is not allowed while using staircases and corridors, all must keep to the le .

It is compulsory for all the students to a end the assembly.

Students are not permitted to carry mobile phones to the school. If a student brings a mobile phone or any other expensive items or electronic gadgets or any unfair means to the school, it will be confiscated and a fine of Rs. 1000 may be imposed. However, in case of emergency, the telephones at the reception may be used by the student.

• Students are not allowed to drive motorized vehicles such as cars, scooters and motorcycles.

Bunking classes or school is strictly prohibited. If a child is found bunking a class he/she will be suspended from the school.

Using holi colour, bursting crackers will lead to severe penalty in the form of marks deduction/suspension/rustication from school.

RETRIBUTION CARD- In order to maintain discipline in the school, the system of retribution cards is followed.

The card is issued to the student by the wing coordinators for the analysis of his/her .

3 retribution cards will lead to one yellow card.

YELLOW CARD: It will be issued for a period of week signed by the wing coordinators. The student will report to the coordinator for detention during break me, PT periods, Library periods and other outdoor activities failing to do so would lead to immediate suspension for a week.

Extreme cases of misbehaviour or indiscipline can lead to the student being given a yellow card directly.

Issue of three yellow cards will lead to immediate suspension for a period of 1 week.

3 suspensions will lead to immediate expulsion. As per the code of conduct issued by the CBSE, the roll numbers of students who do not follow the school rules or behave in an undisciplined manner may be withheld.

Each student would be issued an Iden ty Card/Authorization Card. It is mandatory to carry the valid Authorization Card, displaying the photo of the person carrying the card every me they visit the school. The student will be handed over to the parent/guardian on showing the Security Pass.

Students are expected to enter the school premises as per summer/winter mings. The school gates will be closed by the given time. Students will not be allowed to enter school and sent back home when they report late after this me.

Early leave is not allowed except in extreme emergencies. Prior approval of the Principal/Sec on in charge is to be taken in case of unavoidable circumstances only through a written application.

students are not allowed to wear any steel Kada/jewellery to school.

# Prohibited Items and Actions

1. Mobile phones will be confiscated and returned with the school leaving certificate.

2. No gifts, presents, or return gifts allowed in school.

3. Only toffees (e.g., éclairs) are allowed for distribution in the student's sec on.

4. No sports equipment without prior permission from the Physical Educa on teacher.

5. No visitors without prior permission from the Principal.

# Safety and Conduct

1. No physical aggression (birthday bumps, ragging, bullying) allowed.

2. No leaving class without a class pass.

3. No burs ng crackers or splashing colors during festivals.

4. Students must move in a single line and not crowd outside classrooms.

# Contraband Items

1. No lighter, cigarettes/tobacco, drugs, alcohol, replicas/real weapons, or chains allowed in school.

# Communication

1. No using school telephones during school hours without permission from the Mother teacher.

# Cyber Safety Tips for Students

1. Keep personal information safe: Be cautious with online forms and sharing personal content.

2. Use strong, unique passwords: Change passwords regularly and avoid using the same password for all


3. Be careful with links and downloads: Avoid unknown sources and check for h ps:// when signing in online.

4. Use reliable antivirus software: Install and update software to protect devices from malware and viruses.

5. Report online abuse: Inform School Counselors, teachers, or elders at home if being bullied online.

6. Think before pos ng online: Consider the impact of your words and actions.

7. Take breaks and practice digital wellness: Take 20-second breaks every 20 minutes.

8. Set privacy settings on social media: Limit profile and post visibility to close friends and acquaintances.

# Advice for Parents

1. Use parental control: Set boundaries and monitor online activity.

2. Explore the internet together: Discover online content with your child.

3. Establish internet use rules: Agree on guidelines for internet use at home.

4. Teach caution with personal information: Encourage careful sharing of personal details.

5. Discuss online friendship risks: Talk about the dangers of mee ng online friends in person.

6. Teach critical thinking: Help your child evaluate online information and be critically aware.

7. Avoid being overly critical: Encourage exploration while maintaining a safe online environment.

8. Engage with your child's online activities: Let them show you what they like to do online.